Slam Dunk Litter League
In 2022, Memphis City Beautiful joined forces with the Memphis Grizzlies to put a full court press on litter in Memphis! Teams from all seven City Council districts faced off in a competition to see who could clean up the most litter in their neighborhoods.
Throughout September and October, teams scored 2 points for each bag of trash they collected. Find out which teams took home prizes in our first-ever litter cleanup competition as we played zone defense to clean up every part of our city!
Top 3 Overall Teams
First Place: KSCCDC, with 1,500 points, winning a cash prize of $1,500 sponsored by I Love Memphis plus tickets to a Memphis Grizzlies game in Mayor Jim Strickland’s suite
Second Place: Stiles Stuffers, with 1,106 points, winning a cash prize of $1,000 sponsored by Downtown Memphis Commission plus tickets to a Memphis Grizzlies game in Mayor Jim Strickland’s suite
Third Place: Orange Mound Blight Patrol, with 984 points, winning a cash prize of $500 sponsored by cityCURRENT plus tickets to a Memphis Grizzlies game in Mayor Jim Strickland’s suite
Top-Scoring Teams Per District
District 1: NSA Mid South FCPOA, with 424 points
District 2: Whoop That Trash, with 132 points
District 3: Stiles Stuffers, with 1,106 points
District 4: Orange Mound Blight Patrol, with 984 points
District 5: Gowens Love Grahamwood, with 534 points
District 6: Washington Bottoms Up!, with 274 points
District 7: KSCCDC, with 1,500 points
Each district-winning team won swag bags for each team member courtesy of the Memphis Grizzlies.
See The Final Standings
Litter League’s Impact
During the two months of Litter League, our teams made a huge impact on our city!
Volunteer Hours Donated
Bags Collected
Tires Collected
Thank you to our teams, sponsors, and everyone who helped make Slam Dunk Litter League a success!
If you’d like to receive information about future seasons, join our email club!
Email or call 901-636-4410.